Tag You’re It: Writing Q &A

A while ago, I was tagged by my friend Jewel (go check her blog out here) to complete the following questions related to writing. At the time, I did not have a blog but, hey look, now I do!  Better late than never I guess.

When did you first start writing? Was being a writer something you always aspired to?
I have been writing stories ever since I can remember. Making little books, complete with illustrations, out of stapled construction paper. Writing has always been a major part of my life and something that I never strayed too far from. Even in college, I chose to study things that would allow me to read and write as much as possible. I became a librarian so I could have a profession that would support me financially as I pursued my writing.

What genre do you write?
That’s a good question….
Sherlock-IDKI tend to write about whatever pops into my head. So far, that has been mainly character-driven drama but that’s not to say that one day a futuristic sci-fi story won’t show up. I love getting into the heads of my characters and figuring out what makes them tick. It’s also fun exploring their relationships between the people in their lives, whether it’s a love interest, best friend, parent, or sibling. One thing that makes romance so interesting is no two people fall in love the same way; the experience is different for everyone and I find that fascinating to write about.

Can you tell us a little about your current work in progress? When did you start working on this project?
My current WIP, Unrung Bell, was started at the beginning of November for National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo). It’s about a young woman’s journey of recovery following a car accident which resulted in a traumatic brain injury. It’s a story that hits extremely close to home. And by “close to home” I mean “in the home”. The character’s name is Millie if that gives you any indication ;p

I fought like hell not to write this story. I wasn’t sure I was ready to go back and deal with all of the emotions and memories associated with this incident. However, as most writers know, when a story wants to be told, you have no choice but to tell it. It started out as one of the most difficult things I’d ever done. There were tears, slight hyperventilation, depression, mild panic attacks and all of this occurred on the first day of NaNo.
icantYou think this is an exaggeration? Sadly, it is not. I honestly would’ve given up during the first two days if it weren’t for the love and support of my family and a very special, super awesome friend.

After the rocky start, the words began to flow and the narrative took on a life of it’s own. When this transformation started to take place, I was elated because it created a much needed distance for me as the author. I’m glad that I didn’t give up during those first couple of days because I feel it’s a story that needs to be told. Words cannot express how rewarding working on this project has been…even if it has felt like being hit by a car over and over and over again.

What was your first piece that you can remember writing? What was it about?
My first piece of writing was written when I was six years old titled, A Book About Cats. Bet you can’t guess what it was about…you’re correct, it was about dinosaurs. ;p

What’s the best part about writing?
Ugh, do I have to choose? I love the vicarious thrill I get while writing. Some of my characters say and do things that I would never consider doing in real life (I know you all find that hard to believe). It’s fun stepping outside of my normal, every day life to experience things through someone else.

What’s the worst part about writing?
The second guessing and self-doubt that is ever present.7d37b5e7f52e603b33a0c740cbb54a6358a11cfcf78780ba46f555d32768a369

What’s the name of your favorite character and why?
Wow, that’s like picking a favorite child. Umm, there is a little 4 year old boy, Connor, in one of my screenplays who I absolutely adore. Maybe because he was the first kid I’d really spent a lot writing and developing? I’m not sure. His innocence, genuine nature, and overall hilarity made him a joy to create…plus, he wore a superhero cap all the time so you know he’s awesome ;p

How much time a day/week do you get to write? When is the best time for you to write (morning or night)?
It depends. I try to write something (blog post, WIP, short story, etc.) everyday even if it’s only a couple of lines. But I’d say I average about 2-3 hours a day, spread throughout the whole day. Sometimes more, sometimes less. I honestly don’t have a preference as far as when I write. Morning, noon, or night, it all works for me. Although, it seems my “muse” doesn’t like to function until right before bedtime most of the time.

Did you go to college for writing?
Nope, but I did write A LOT. I was a Comparative Literature major. Super useful, right?
seemslegitIt was for me, since, I needed a degree — didn’t matter what kind — to go into library school. While scanning the course catalogue (yes, they still printed course catalogues), I noticed that the courses looked like fun and BOOM…my major was decided. If only most decisions in life were that easy.

What bothers you more: speeling errors; punctuation, errors, or errors for grammar?
This is hard because I’m terrible with ALL of these. I’d say grammar errors but it has to be pretty blatant — as in, make your ears bleed. Poor grammar can disrupt the flow of a story quicker than spelling and punctuation. However, that’s just my humble opinion.

What is the best writing advice that anyone has given you?
“Opinions are like assholes. Everyone’s got one.” My mom reminded me of this when I’d received a particularly harsh grade on a paper in college and it’s always stuck with me. I think all writers should have this posted somewhere in their office or cross-stitched on a pillow. yes

What advice would you give to another writer?
Don’t get caught up in the way other writers go about do things. What works for someone may not be the best approach for you. Find out what works best for you and do that.
DOYOUWhat are you favorite writing sites or blogs that you turn to for help, tips or encouragement?
If I’m in need of tips or encouragement, I usually ask one of my writing friends on Twitter *waves hello*. Everyone is super supportive and willing to answer any questions I might have. But if you have any writing sites you’d like to share with me, please feel free because I got nothing.

Besides writing, what else do you enjoy doing? What are you hobbies?
Reading but I guess that’s a little to obvious. Binge watching anything on Netflix or Prime, dancing, goofing of on Twitter, baking, crafting, listening to music, watching sports, taking too many pictures of my cat, being the world’s greatest auntie, adding to my ever growing GIF collection, fantasizing about my future with Tom Hiddleston and saving the world from imminent danger.TH-Weeee

What’s the best book you’ve read this year?
Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel — awesome sci-fi novel; I couldn’t put it down.
Lonesome Dove by Larry McMurtry — beautifully written western; gave me ALL the feels.

What’s the best movie you’ve seen this year?
Forget Me Not, a 2010 indie film, starring Tobias Menzies and Genevieve O’Reilly. It was simple, poignant and beautifully done. I highly recommend it.

What is your favorite book or series of all time?
Sorry…I laugh because there’s just TOO MANY to name. But my go-to answer is always the book that started my life long love affair with reading: “An Old Fashioned Girl” by Louisa May Alcott.

Who is your favorite author?
Seriously, I can’t choose. I have a ton of “favorite” authors but for different reasons. Here’s a brief list, off the top of my head, in no particular order: Louisa May Alcott, Nikolai Gogol, Beatrix Potter, Gregory Maguire, Sarah Addison Allen, Roald Dahl,  J.K. Rowling, J. R. R. Tolkien, Tiffany Reisz, Christian Lauren, Diana Gabaldon, Anne Rice, Stephen King…the list could go on forever!

What are your plans for the rest of the year in terms of your writing?
Considering there’s not too many days left in 2015, I’ll answer for 2016…
typingI’ll be finishing up writing Unrung Bell; then the fun part of redrafting and editing will start. Finish up editing my two screenplays. Decide what project to start next. Not to mention, continuing to post short stories and other musings on my blog. I’d say 2016 is going to be a pretty busy writing year for this redhead 😉

Where else can we find you online?
Click here

I’m tagging…

*If you’ve already done this…oops, sorry I missed it. If you don’t want to do this…that’s cool too 😀

Here are the questions for you to answer:
When did you first start writing? Was being a writer something you always aspired to?
What genre do you write?
Can you tell us a little about your current work in progress? When did you start working on this project?
What was your first piece that you can remember writing? What was it about?
What’s the best part about writing?
What’s the worst part about writing?
What’s the name of your favourite character and why?
How much time a day/week do you get to write? When is the best time for you to write (morning or night)?
Did you go to college for writing?
What bothers you more: speeling errors; punctuation, errors, or errors for grammar?
What is the best writing advice that anyone has given you?
What advice would you give to another writer?
What are your favourite writing sites or blogs that you turn to for help, tips or encouragement?
Besides writing, what else do you enjoy doing? What are your hobbies?
What’s the best book you’ve read this year?
What’s the best movie you’ve seen this year?
What is your favourite book or series of all time?
Who is your favourite author?
What are your plans for the rest of the year in terms of your writing?
Where else can we find you online?

17 thoughts on “Tag You’re It: Writing Q &A

  1. YAY! I’m so glad to see this! Your posts are always so fun. ♥
    May I ask what the ultimate plans are for Unrung Bell? (Self-pubbing? Traditional pubbing? Etc.)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m so pleased that you made the progress you did with Unrung Bell, I’m having a maternal proud moment 😛 I should have known your first story was about cats though shouldn’t I? lol

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thanks for tagging me! I can’t wait to try this out!
    I love learning about your writing and all the ways that we’re similar! I am inspired by the courage you found to write Unrung Bell. It can be very rewarding to write a story that is so dear to the heart, but emotionally draining as well. I wish you all the luck with it 🙂 I’m also working on two scripts at the moment. May I ask what yours are about or what genre they are?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You are more than welcome! I can’t wait to read it. I find it so interesting learning about other writer’s as well. We are all so different, yet similar in SO many ways.
      Thank you for your comments relating to Unrung Bell. It truly has been difficult going back and revisiting some of those emotions. Amazing how they can still feel so raw. However, I think by writing this is the final piece in the puzzle as far as dealing with it and accepting it.
      Really? That sounds like fun. I love writing scripts. The first one is a family drama with a romantic subplot. Younger sister, Katie, moves in with older sister to help take care two nephews (one being Connor). Katie meets Harrison, a college professor 13 yrs her senior. What could possibly go wrong?
      The second is MUCH lighter romcom about a girl, Annie, who meet a guy online and is not quite sure how to handle it. This story has my other favorite character, Simon – Annie’s older brother who’s a priest. He is the BEST!
      What are you scripts about? I haven’t met a ton of people who write scripts as well. This is exciting! (sorry for the verbose reply!)

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks for sharing 🙂 Don’t apologize for your enthusiasm! I love it 🙂 And I love both of your ideas 🙂 Especially the first one – I love movies with a family dynamic. One of mine is also a family drama about a man who returns home after his mother’s sudden passing to face the demons of his past. The second is a supernatural thriller about a woman given a task to fulfill in a certain amount of time or face her own demise (I’ve submitted this one to a few festivals and got into the quarter finals with it!) I love scriptwriting, but novels are my true passion! I’m thrilled to find someone invested in screenplays as well. Good luck with both of them 🙂


      1. I’m an attendant so I do everything from shelving books to helping students to working on the desks to repairing books and a couple of other things on the side 🙂 it’s quite an enjoyable job ^^ What area did you work in?

        Liked by 1 person

      2. That’s what I started out doing as well. I loved working the research desk. It was like going on a treasure hut for information everyday. I worked in a university sports archive for two years –organizing and cataloguing the collection– which was a ton of fun. Working in libraries and archives is the BEST!


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